Tips, Tricks and Tales...
As I mentioned, the Dream did become a reality! In fact, we are already planning our next journey 😉 So, what did we learn? First and most importantly, we found that we can live in a small space and not grow frustrated (at least too often) with each other. We absolutely loved traveling and staying in the van! We did need to learn a "new routine" and where to store items to make them easily accessible at the right times. We found that the plastic bins that store hanging file folders were the perfect size for storage under the bed. Three in the front and three in the back. So, what goes where? We initially put our towels and toiletries in the back with the thought that we would just get things out in the morning for showers. Then we realized we didn’t have our toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc. When staying at the campgrounds, we didn’t want to disturb people to get out those items. Readjust. ...