DAY 16...Visit with old friends

Another beautiful day!  We have been enjoying the weather and are amazed at how beautiful it is!

Rick, Rhonda and I took a ride to Estrella Mountain Regional Park, took a short hike, and went out for lunch.

We have spaghetti sauce in the crockpot and are waiting for Kelli and her husband, John, to come by for dinner.  Rick hasn’t seen her in over 30 years!

Ok, did it again, for got to get a pic!  We had a great time visiting and reminiscing. As I write this and think about our visit, it occurs to me that as much as we “seek change” we also are looking for things that are the same.  It seems like two of the biggest motivators for change are weather and family.  As we see with Rhonda and her husband and Kelli and John, they chose to move to Arizona to be “done with the cold weather”.  They have traded feet of snow, ice ruts and frigid temps for sunshine and cool breezes, at least in the spring.  Instead of three months of cold they have three months of sweltering heat...110+ degrees.  Since we have not experienced climate, I cannot comment on whether or not it is worth the trade.  They also don’t really have seasons here.  No vivid fall color or white Christmas’, unless, you drive to the mountains.  As this may sound appealing, especially to our UP friends, there are also drawbacks.  The traffic in the Phoenix are is horrific.  Worse than Chicago, if you can believe that!  

Another thing I notice, is that, as with most of our trips, we do a lot of talking and seeking food.  No place we have been has food like Chicago!  When we head to Illinois, we plan our days around the restaurants we want to experience once again.  So, here we are in Phoenix, with friends from years ago, discussing all our favorite foods.  So many of the residents are transients, and many for the Midwest, that some of our Chicago favorites are popping up.  There is a Portillio’s here and they are building another.  And Kelli was very excited to find a new Nothing Bundt Cake near her home.

So, what would be your “perfect” home?  Are you willing to relocate your life for the weather?  What are “must haves” ?  What would you take from your current area to a new location?  Would you prefer to just travel and go home, or call somewhere new home?  Some thought provoking questions for the day😊


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