DAY 11... Family and Friends

DAY 11... This morning we attended St. Thomas Aquinas Church . Dad even came along! We haven’t attended the Catholic Church in quite some time. The church is HUGE. I think we could fit every church in Ontonagon County inside this campus! The art on the walls seemed to be modern characitures of the Bible stories. Parts of the service are spoken in Latin. I am not sure what the benefit of speaking in Latin when most, if not all, those in the congregation do not understand what is being said?? I do still find the rituals comforting in some way. Then we visited a couple of open houses in the area. Again I am amazed at the difference in prices of the homes. When we saw this house this morning it was $295,000. Tonight, it has dropped $15,000. . It needs quite a bit of work, even though you cannot see that in most o...